First Christian Church welcomes your donation. We accept various forms of payment.
Donate with PayPal, Venmo or Apple Pay
Other ways to pay are listed below
Thank you for wanting to support us!
We sincerely appreciate that you want to give to
First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, San Marcos!
Giving is a very important expression of worship. Whether you donate your time, serve by using your talents, or give using monetary funds, we appreciate the generous way you support God's work. We are committed to being faithful stewards of God's resources.
Giving of your time and talent:⏰
We have all types of needs. If you would like to give of your time and/or have special skills that you wish to donate to First Christian Church, DOC, San Marcos, please let us know! Email our Church Office or Call during regular office hours.
Monetary Donations
Donations to FCC-SM are confidential and Tax Deductible.
The church Treasurer and Bookkeeper are the only ones who will know about the details of monetary donations.
Giving of cash: 💵
If you would like to give cash to First Christian Church, DOC, San Marcos, we accept cash during every worship service and in the church office during regular office hours. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL CASH! When giving cash, please be sure to include the donor name and address for proper record keeping. Please also indicate if you have a specific purpose for your offering. All undesignated gifts will be applied to First Christian Church, DOC San Marcos, and used for the general operation of the church.
Giving by Check or Money Order:💷
When giving by check or money order, please make it out to First Christian Church, DOC. If you wish to designate a specific purpose for your offering, then please include that on the notation line. All undesignated gifts will be applied to First Christian Church, DOC, San Marcos, and used for the operation of the church. Please make sure all donor information is correct as listed for proper credit of the donation. We also accept checks and money orders by mail. If you would prefer to mail your donation, please mail to:
TREASURER, First Christian Church, DOC, 3105 Ranch Road 12, San Marcos, Texas 78666.
Giving by Credit Card or Debit Card: 💳
Credit Cards and Debit Cards are accepted online. With online giving through PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, and Blue Pay Cash Connect. You can choose give to First Christian Church DOC, San Marcos with recurring and/or one-time gifts. Proper record keeping relies on the information that you provide. Your credit or debit card information is only collected by the payment vendor and is NOT shared with the church. To be sure that you get proper credit and that we apply your generous gift to your wishes, please be sure to include all specifics for "other" donations in the comments section. Donations sent without a designation will be used for the operation needs of First Christian Church, DOC, San Marcos.